Welcome to the Colby Natural Health Blog page! Here you will find interesting information and perspective on a variety of topics related to good health. The power to get the body healthy starts with a good knowledge of nutrition— Nutraknowledge!

Diabetes has risen to epidemic levels in the United States. This is likely due to the heavy use of high-fructose corn syrup in our food and heavy carbohydrate consumption by the average American. But the good news is, if addressed early through dietary changes and supplementation, diabetes can be slowed significantly. That’s where mushrooms become center stage. Their benefits are enormous for so many health issues, but a few in particular have the capability to greatly improve blood sugar issues.

Turkey Tail

This mushroom is a powerhouse for diabetes management. It is well known for its ability to help lower glucose levels in the bloodstream.  Turkey Tail is can also aid in reducing LDL cholesterol and hypertension. Overall, it lowers the risk of heart disease, which can be an issue for those with diabetes. This mushroom should be taken on a daily basis to experience the full benefit.


Yet another mushroom that can lower blood sugar levels is Reishi. Taken daily it can help improve the symptoms of type 2 diabetes. It also can help reduce “bad” LDL cholesterol and fatty acids in the blood, while increasing “good” HDL cholesterol. Reishi can increase blood oxygenation, regulate heartbeat, and increase blood flow, all while normalizing blood pressure. Reishi can also help improve heart function and lower the risk of cardiovascular disease.


This mushroom has been used for centuries in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Cordyceps can help alleviate fatigue, aid in treating kidney disease, and enhance physical performance. But with regard to diabetes, cordyceps also contains a unique form of sugar that may aid in the treatment of diabetes by mimicking the action of insulin.  Several animal studies have discovered that the Cordyceps can actually help to lower blood glucose levels.

In addition, research has also discovered that Cordyceps helps to improve kidney function, an important factor to keep in mind as kidney disease is often an additional health issue with diabetes. These same studies also discovered that Cordyceps can be very affective in addressing the immune system dysfunction and chronic inflammation that often accompanies the disease.

Insulin Resistance…It’s at epidemic proportions these days due to the American diet being so saturated with sugar. And insulin resistance can affect so many body processes. The heart, liver, and cardiovascular systems in our body all take a hit when insulin resistance is in play. Change in diet is essential to reversing insulin resistance. But that’s the first punch. The knockout blow can happen with a powerful supplement called Berberine! Watch this fascinating video from Doctor Berg about how this amazing supplement can be a massive game changer for reversing insulin resistance naturally.

Have you ever been confused with all the different natural salts available? Himalayan, Celtic, Redmonds, gray, pink, course, fine… There are just so many, and which one is best? Here is a video that helps explain the difference so you can make the best choice for you!

Slippery Elm: Funny Name, Serious Results

If you have been in our store and browsed the “herbs” section, you may have seen bottles of Slippery Elm and wondered what on earth it does. To put it simply, it’s a natural “band aid” for the stomach and digestive tract!

You’ve probably heard of the term “leaky gut” at least a million times if you follow nutritional news sources. Leaky gut is essentially a compromise of the lining of the intestines, caused by poor diet, toxins, stress, an overworked immune system and a lack of “good” bacteria. The intestinal lining is made up of mucus secreted by millions of cells. The cells knit together to form a barrier that works like a kind of security system and controls what enters and exits the bloodstream. Unfortunately that lining can deteriorate and form holes in the barrier. When your gut lining is in good shape, it absorbs nutrients and nothing enters the bloodstream. However, when holes form due to leaky gut, the protective lining can break apart and allow toxins and undigested food particles into the bloodstream. Your body then responds to these foreign bodies and initiates an immune response followed by inflammation and poor absorption of nutrients. For some people this triggers an autoimmune response. “Leaky gut syndrome” is believed to be the cause of a host of health conditions, including hormone imbalances, joint pain, autoimmune diseases including rheumatoid arthritis and Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, diabetes, fibromyalgia, anxiety, depression and eczema.

The beauty of Slippery Elm is that it has powerful mucilage properties as well as strong antioxidant properties that not only help rebuild the gut lining, but also relieve inflammation that happens when the immune system is over-responding. Slippery Elm has also been indicated to fight inflammatory bowel diseases like Crohn’s and Ulcerative Colitis.

If you have issues with leaky gut syndrome, the first line of defense is a healthy diet with as much organic produce as possible. Next would be the introduction of a good probiotic to recolonize the good bacteria in the digestive tract. Healing leaky gut is very possible, but it takes commitment and diligence, making sure stress is managed and as many toxins as possible are eliminated from the diet. Whole foods, fruit and vegetables, leafy greens and good protein are always in that equation. Processed and dyed foods nearly always contain irritants to the digestive tract. And as with any supplement, it can only work at its best when coupled with a healthy diet.

Did you know that there is a literal medicine chest in most deserted parking lots and back country roads? That may sound crazy but it’s true! And many of us are pulling these medicinal plants out of our flower beds, lawns and gardens without even knowing their health potential.  In truth, many of the common species we see growing on our properties and outlying areas could be a much-needed resource in hard times. Learning to identify these plants and how to prepare them for consumption can be a very valuable skill to have—a skill that has been lost over decades because of the availability and marketing of pharmaceuticals. In this blog, we will focus on two plants in particular: Plantain and Mullein.

Not to be confused with the banana look-alike, Plantain weed is a low-growing green plant that is so prolific in our area that just about everyone has seen it. It likes to pop up in our manicured lawns and in the cracks of the sidewalks. It grows in hard, compact soil and is literally unaffected by drought. The entire plant is edible including the spikes of seed heads it produces.

According to WebMD, Plantain weed has been used for centuries in traditional medicine due to its anti-inflammatory and astringent properties. It can be used externally to treat cuts and insect bites, and internally to improve digestion and reduce inflammation. Plantain leaves can be chewed up to make a poultice that can be applied to minor cuts, insect bites, and rashes. Great plantain (Plantago major) contains chemicals that may help decrease pain and swelling, decrease mucous, and open airways. Plantain has shown to be effective for chronic bronchitis, asthma, cough, and cold in human studies. Clinical studies show that psyllium seed is useful as a bulk laxative and can be helpful in treating various hyperlipidemias. It is truly a plant that doesn’t deserve to end up in the compost heap!

The other plant we will discuss here is Mullein. Colby Natural Health actually sells this amazing plant in tincture form as well as alone and in herbal blend capsules for lung issues. This powerful plant can easily be seen along roadsides, with its tall spike of flowers showing well above most of the lower growing weeds.

According to Dr. Nicole Apelian, author of The Lost Herbs books and website, the leaves and flowers are the parts of the plant that are used. Mullein can be consumed in tea, tincture and even oil preparations. The health benefits are broad for this easily harvested plant. Mullein contains many active compounds which may contribute to its many beneficial effects. These include saponins for pain and inflammation, active flavonoids, phenylethanoids, and iridoids which are antioxidative and anti-inflammatory.

Mullein has been used in the treatment of many respiratory and lung issues including asthma, bronchitis, congestion, tuberculosis, and spasmodic coughs. It has also been used to treat many gastrointestinal issues such as diarrhea and the pain and inflammation from gout and migraines. It has many benefits for issues of the skin, from wound treatment and burns to frostbite, infections, and bruises. Mullein oil along with other medicinal herbs can even be used to naturally treat ear infections in children.

But above all, Mullein has shown to be an incredible antibacterial plant. A study of its extracts showed inhibition in certain dangerous bacteria such as Klebsiella pneumonia, Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, and Escherichia coli (E-coli).The extract also showed inhibition of certain types of tumors.1

Plantain and Mullein are just two of the many medicinal plants growing all around us that most people are unaware of. Foraging for medicinal plants has become a popular and very useful hobby in the past few years, especially among those who have had negative experiences with synthetic pharmaceutical drugs. The ancients knew what worked and their knowledge has been passed down for centuries. However, due to the introduction of synthetic drugs, this natural healing heritage has been downplayed and disregarded. But the truth is, plants have the power to heal. And they may be growing right there in your own backyard!

1 Dr. Nicole Apelian, August 13, 2021 https://thelostherbs.com/mullein/


There has never been a time when humans have been more exposed to environmental toxins. Whether it be our food supply sprayed with pesticides, our beauty products packed full of chemicals, our homes with mold contamination or gene-altering chemicals in carpeting, even the products we clean with and wash our clothes in. A deeper dig into all this can be overwhelming. But the good news is, there are options, both in lifestyle and supplements, that can give your body an edge in battling all these factors.

Habits are hard to break, but in the case of detoxing, determination is very necessary. Let’s begin with beauty products. Unfortunately, as women we are the worst offenders when it comes to toxic products. Who doesn’t like perfume, whether in a bottle or in our laundry? But research is now showing how toxic those lovely fragrances can be. Alternatives are out there, but the first step is to break our addiction to scent. There are a myriad of safe essential oils in amazing scents that can be combined with a gentle carrier oil in a roller bottle to replace perfume. In our laundry, wool dryer balls with a little essential oil can add fragrance and softness without the toxicity of scent boosters and fabric softeners.

Lotions are yet another big offender, as are skin creams and cosmetics. Statistics show that over 60% of what we apply to our skin is absorbed into the bloodstream.  That is why the ingredients in these products are so important. Paraben preservatives and red dye #40 s are the primary culprits in these types of beauty products. Methylparaben, Propylparaben and Butylparaben are common ingredients. Studies have linked parabens to breast cancer and other health issues. Thankfully the health and beauty industry is slowly getting on the bandwagon with this. Many products now claim to be paraben-free. But there is more good news here too. Colby Natural Health sells a wide variety of lotions that are ultra safe and toxin-free.  And there are plenty of DIY recipes online for natural body butters that are easy to make.

But what if we make every effort to eat organic food, use safe beauty products or make our own, watch chemical exposure closely and still want to ensure we are detoxing completely? That is where a particular mineral comes to the rescue. It’s called zeolite. Zeolites are a variety of aluminum (not toxic) and silica-containing compounds of volcanic origin. There are several types of zeolites, but only the clinoptilolite (ZC) form has no known toxic effects and has powerful therapeutic applications. Zeolite has a fascinating mechanism. It is a natural mineral that acts as a molecular “sieve”, attracting positively charged particles like heavy metals, aluminum, radiation, organic chemicals and VOC’s and removes them from the body via the kidneys. This zeolite-toxin bond is almost impossible to break, and once these toxins are bonded, they cannot be removed from the zeolite or deposited in other areas of the body because they are neutralized inside the zeolite’s negatively charged field.  Once trapped, the toxins are flushed out of the body by slowly passing through the small intestine without impacting the kidneys or liver. And as if the good news about zeolite could not get any better, research shows that it does not remove any trace minerals or vital nutrients that need to remain in the body. Neurotoxins can affect so many processes in our body, in particular, thyroid function. The hormone receptors on our cells become blocked due to neurotoxin exposure over time. This can lead to low thyroid function, or hypothyroidism. Hypothyroidism is currently at epidemic proportions in the US, so it begs the question, WHY? Could it be that Americans need to do some serious detox from all the chemicals we are exposed to on a daily basis? It’s something everyone should consider. And again, the good news is, zeolite is a powerful way to get the process started. We look forward to talking with you at Colby Natural Health about zeolite and how detox has now become an essential step in everyone’s health journey.

Doctor Axe comes through again with a fantastic video overview of adrenal fatigue, its causes and its cures. He recommends several supplements that we offer at Colby Natural Health to get you on a path to emotional well-being again. This short, 7 minute video is a wealth of information and could give you the knowledge you need to end adrenal fatigue for good. Take a look!

Manuka honey is one HONEY of a superfood! As Dr. Axe explains in the video below, this unique honey, grown only in New Zealand and Australia, has amazing health benefits and healing properties and has been used for thousands of years as natural medicine due to its antimicrobial properties. To begin with, Manuka honey is four times more nutrient dense than regular floral sourced honey. The list of issues Manuka honey can beneficially affect is surprisingly lengthy. It helps with small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) and can bring healing to the gut. It has successfully been used to treat ulcers, allergies and sore throat. An ointment preparation combining Manuka, tea tree and geranium essential oils is highly effective for acne and eczema. But most impressive is its ability to treat antibiotic-resistant MERSA, a bacterial infection. Manuka honey is usually graded by MGO, UMF, or NPA. All of these grading systems are ways to demonstrate the antibacterial properties, quality and potency of each batch of Manuka honey, so you know exactly what you’re buying. Colby Natural Health carries two high-quality brands of Manuka. Perhaps it can help you start on a path of healing today!

Could there be something so essential to the human body that the absence of it can negatively affect literally every cell? Dr. Russel J. Reiter, Ph.D, M.D, D.Sc, of the University of Texas Health Science Center believes there is. In his 30+ years of research in circadian biology, he believes MELATONIN is critical to the health of the human body, and with the massive effect of light pollution from incandescent light and cell phones, the vast majority of us are dangerously low in this hormone. This 52 minute lecture by Dr. Reiter could very well be one of the most important videos you watch regarding health and wellness.

The liver is probably the most important organ in the body aside from the heart and brain. Ironically, it seems to be the organ that is the most neglected in our dietary choices today. The American diet is full of foods and beverages that harm liver health and function. Sugar and high fructose corn syrup, soda, alcohol, processed foods, and a lack of cruciferous vegetables are just a few of the many contributing factors to an unhealthy liver. This video is full of essential information on what supplements and foods can boost the liver and even help it heal from damage. Colby Natural Health stocks most of the recommended supplements mentioned. Our staff is available to answer any questions you may have regarding the many options there are to keep your liver healthy!

In the vast world of probiotics, there is a new strain that really has people talking. It’s called psychobiotics. Microbiologist Kiran Krishnan, Ph.D. explains how this strain shows promising effects on stress relief, anxiety, mood, sleep and other important gut-brain axis connections. Dr. Krishnan specifically mentions Joot Just Calm®, a Just Thrive® product we sell here at Colby Natural Health. The customer feedback is very positive with this product, with some saying it has helped tremendously with post-partum and clinical depression.

Have you ever felt a cold or sore throat coming on and wish there was something you could do to ward it off right away? Lymphatic Drainage Massage may help! If done when symptoms start, it can make a huge difference in how you feel. If this technique is done in the evening when symptoms such as ear pain and sinus pressure begin, symptoms often subside by morning. Check out the instructional video below for instructions on how to perform this amazing technique.